MRA agreed with the basic concept of PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) and was attested as a PRI signatory by PRI Association in November 2018. PRI signatories pursue improvement of investment performance from the long-term perspective for their beneficiaries and fulfilling their fiduciary duty by incorporating ESG issues into its decision-making processes.
MRA expressed our support for the TCFD Recommendations in January 2022 and joined the TCFD Consortium constitutive of supporter companies in Japan.
Addressing environment, social and governance related issues and further taking action to realize a sustainable society are considered as important management challenge to United Urban and MRA. As a real estate investment manager, we believe that all are our responsibilities we need to take in our society.
We pursue portfolio management with the consideration to climate change and other environment issues and promote disclosures in accordance with the TCFD Recommendations.
MRA’s sponsor Marubeni Corporation has declared its support for the Global Compact proposed by the United Nations (UNGC) in December 2012 and become a signatory organization.
The UNGC was proposed in 1999 by the United Nations Secretary-General at the time, Kofi Annan, and formally launched the following year. Participating companies are asked to support and implement Ten Principles covering four areas: human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.
As a member of the Marubeni Group, MRA also became a co-signatory in March 2022 and joined the local network of the UNGC, Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ).
In keeping with the vision of the UNGC, MRA strives to further enhance its corporate governance and put Ten Principles into practice.
Declaring that we will engage in the company-level work-style reform by providing a better workplace with our employees and pushing our employees to take leaves in order to refresh, MRA was recognized as TOKYO Workstyle Reform Declaration Company by the Governor of Tokyo.
Through work-style reform including frequent catch-ups on how work hours can be shortened and the recommendation of taking a week-long paid vacation per year, MRA encourages our employees to improve productivity and take more than 10 paid holidays once a year.
Aiming for sound management that can coexist with society and the environment, United Urban and MRA have been making efforts for improvement in sustainability with consideration for ESG factors. Based on the expectations and concerns from our stakeholders and impacts of our business on the environment and society, United Urban and MRA have specified and addressed the highly material issues.
United Urban and MRA have been supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)(Note) and continue efforts to achieve SDGs through challenges to mid-to-long-term social issues including disclosure of action plans for ESG factors linked to SDGs.