ESG initiatives Governance

Corporate Governance

Basic Philosophy

Basic Philosophy

United Urban has a management strategy of identifying properties with intrinsic value and pursuing sustainable growth of the investment corporation. And we aim to maximize unitholder value, establish relationships of mutual trust with stakeholders and coexist with the environment and society.

United Urban understands establishment and reinforcement of our compliance and risk management system as an important challenge in realizing the above. United Urban makes efforts to conduct corporate activities in a fair and sound manner through such actions for our compliance and risk management system.

Marubeni REIT Advisors, DFF Inc.

Governance of Investment Corporation

Governance of Investment Corporation

Institution of the Investment Corporation

The institution of United Urban consists of the General Meeting of Unitholders comprised of all unitholders, one executive officer, two supervisory officers, the Board of Directors consisting of the executive officer and the supervisory officers and finally the accounting auditor.

The General Meeting of Unitholders is the United Urban’s highest organ of decision-making which decides on amendments to the United Urban’s Articles of Incorporation or certain matters stipulated by the Investment Trust Act or the Articles of Incorporation. The Articles of Incorporation lays out stipulations for our investment targets and policies. And resolutions must be passed by the General Meeting of Unitholders before making changes to the Articles of Incorporation including for the asset management targets and policies.

The executive officer operates the Investment Corporation and has the right to conduct all judicial and nonjudicial acts concerning the operation of United Urban as a representative of the Investment Corporation. However, the approval of the Board of Directors is required to perform certain duties which are stipulated in the Investment Trust Act including convocation of the General Meeting of Unitholders.

The Board of Directors has the right to convene the General Meeting of Unitholders and approve certain duties stipulated in the Investment Trust Act. Also, the Board has the authorities stipulated by the Investment Trust Act and the Articles of Incorporation and the right to supervise the duties of the executive officer.

Each supervisory officer oversees the execution of duties by the executive officer based on the reports on the status of management of assets, compliance and risk management from the executive officer at the Board of Directors’ meetings.

The accounting auditor is selected by resolution of the General Meeting of Unitholders and audits financial documents of United Urban. In case that they discover wrongful acts in the performance of duties by the executive officer or of significant matters in violation of the law or the Article of Incorporation, they report to the supervisory officers and conduct other operations stipulated by the law.

Regulation of Transactions Involving Conflicts of Interest

The Investment Trust Act stipulates that transactions are prohibited, including the acquisition and disposition of real estate, lease transaction, etc. (excluding transactions which are deemed not to disturb protection for unitholders) between United Urban and our officers, relatives of officers (limited to their spouse and blood relatives and in-laws in the second degree), MRA and MRA’s officers and employees. Also, the Investment Trust Act sets out that officers with special interests are unable to participate in the resolutions of the Board of Directors. The management of United Urban’s assets and the operation of the Board of Directors are thus based on these regulations.

Moreover, the supervisory officers of United Urban are not in conflict with the Investment Trust Act’s standards on independence from the executive officer, the Asset Management Company, etc.

Please refer to the decision-making structure, Internal Control for Investment and Management, for transactions between MRA and its sponsor companies, etc. and other transactions that may involve conflicts of interest.

Internal Management of the Investment Corporation and Supervision by the Supervisory Officers

United Urban holds the Board of Directors’ meeting once a month and approves matters stipulated by the law. In the meeting, the executive officer provides detailed reporting on United Urban's management, MRA’s status of execution or operations, etc. Supervisory officers with qualification of lawyers or certified public accountants oversee the executive officer’s status of execution of operations from their own specialized viewpoints.

Also, United Urban has the right to receive reports from MRA on the status of management of assets and the right to view, copy and survey all MRA’s documents regarding business commissioned to external parties. By exercising these rights, United Urban maintain the system in which we can monitor MRA’s status of execution of operations including transactions involving conflicts of interest.

Cooperation between Supervisory Officers and Accounting Auditor

Each supervisory officer also receives reports on the asset management status, compliance and risk management from the executive officer at the Board of Directors’ meetings of United Urban.

Also, the accounting auditor collaborates with the supervisory officers by auditing United Urban’s financial documents and reporting the audit results to the executive officer and supervisory officers.

Furthermore, in case that the accounting auditor discovers wrongful acts in the performance of duties by the executive officer or of significant matters in violation of the law or the Article of Incorporation, they report to the supervisory officers and conduct other operations stipulated by the law.

Management System for Affiliated Companies

United Urban holds the Board of Directors’ meetings once a month and receives reports on the status of management of assets from MRA. Also, we manage and supervise MRA through the executive officer’s interview on the management status as well as inspection and survey of relevant documents. Moreover, United Urban maintains the management system by receiving reports on the status of execution of operations, etc. from the administrative agent and asset custodian.

Marubeni REIT Advisors, DFF Inc.

Status of Officers

Status of Officers

Each director of United Urban is expected to not maximize distributions in the short term but to promote medium- to long-term growth by a balanced approach with elements of Environment (E), Society (S) and Governance (G) in mind.

This table can be viewed by scrolling sideways.
Position Name Gender Chairperson Independent officer (Note 1) Experience and expertise (Note 2) Qualification Annual compensation Attendance in Board of Directors meeting
(41th FP & 42th FP)
No. of investment units owned
Corporate management/ management strategy Real estate investment/ management Finance & Accounting Auditing & Risk management Legal affairs & Compliance
Executive officer Kenmin Asatani Male - - JPN 12,000 thousand 100% (18 times / 18 times) 0 units
Supervisory officer Kenichiro Okamura Male Certified public accountant US certified public accountant Certified tax accountant JPN 4,200 thousand 100% (18 times / 18 times) 0 units
Kumiko Sekine Female Lawyer JPN 4,200 thousand 100% (18 times / 18 times) 0 units
  • For career summaries of each officer, please refer to 2. Management structure and system of the Investment Corporation and the Asset Management Company in Report on the Management Structure and System of the Issuer of Real Estate Investment Trust Units and Related Parties.
  • Note 1:“Independent officer” refers to supervisory officers who are not in conflict with the Investment Trust Act’s standards on independence from the executive officer, MRA, etc. Since United Urban does not fall under the category of a listed domestic company as stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s rules on the listing of securities, it is not required to secure an independent officer as stipulated in said rules and so the stipulated Independent Directors/Auditors Notification has not been submitted. Nonetheless, as indicated in the table, persons who are not in conflict with the Investment Trust Act’s standards on independence from the executive officer, MRA, etc. are selected as United Urban’s supervisory officers.
  • Note 2:“Experience and expertise” in the table indicates the relatively notable experience and expertise of each officer and does not show all of the experiences and abilities of the officers.
Marubeni REIT Advisors, DFF Inc.

Commitment for Gender Diversity

Commitment for Gender Diversity

It is United Urban’s conviction that organizations which reflect diverse values in corporate management and tolerate themselves to variety of values promote innovation and enhance corporate competitiveness and social evaluation, and consequently raise corporate value. In selecting our officers, United Urban aims to have member composition which represents a mixture of different ages, genders and backgrounds.

Moreover, under the policy of emphasizing gender diversity in the Board, women directors are actively selected and United Urban targets a ratio of 30% or more for women directors.

Diversified Management Structure

Diversified Management Structure
[Left] Supervisory officer Kenichiro Okamura
[Center] Executive officer Asatani Kenmin
[Right] Supervisory officer Kumiko Sekine

As of September 1, 2023, a new executive officer has been appointed and the management structure of United Urban remains diversified in terms of age, gender, and background. With experience and knowledge based on the expertise of each officer, United Urban manages various risks in a proper manner and remain mindful of conflict of interest to maximize our investors’ interests.

Marubeni REIT Advisors, DFF Inc.

Compensation of Accounting Auditor

Compensation of Accounting Auditor

The accounting auditor will be paid an amount determined by the Board of Directors as a compensation, up to a maximum of 30 million yen per business period (Article 38 of United Urban’s Articles of Incorporation).

For records of compensation in each business period, please refer to Overall Condition of Investment Corporation, 3. Directors and Auditor of the semiannual report.

Latest Annual Remuneration

Period Accounting Auditor Compensation Amount
41th fiscal period
(December 2023 - May 2024)
Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC 18 million yen
Auditing compensation - 18 million yen
Non-auditing compensation - N/A
42th fiscal period
(June 2024 - November 2024)
Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC 18 million yen
Auditing compensation - 18 million yen
Non-auditing compensation - N/A

In accordance with the provisions of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations, United Urban may exempt the accounting auditor from liability to the extent provided by the laws and regulations, by means of a resolution of the Board of Directors, in the event that it has acted in good faith and without gross negligence in the conduct of its duties and the exemption is considered particularly necessary in light of the facts giving rise to the liability, the status of the accounting auditor’s execution of its duties, and other circumstances (Article 39 of United Urban’s Articles of Incorporation).

Marubeni REIT Advisors, DFF Inc.

Operating Structure

Operating Structure

United Urban entrusts the asset management of its properties to MRA pursuant to the Investment Trust Act. The operating structure of MRA is as follows.

Operating Structure

Directors of the Board Meeting at MRA

Position Name Participation in Board Meetings
President and CEO Junichi Batai 100% (15 times / 15 times)
Executive Director and CFO Shuichi Kamizono 100% (16 times / 16 times)
Executive Director and CFO Hiroshi Tanikake 100% (15 times / 15 times)
Non-executive Director Tsuyoshi Takagi 100% (16 times / 16 times)
Non-executive Director Jun Watanabe 100% (9 times / 9 times)
Non-executive Auditor Hiromu Shiota 100% (16 times / 16 times)
Marubeni REIT Advisors, DFF Inc.